Stile Bronzo (bronze)

Stile Bronzo (bronze)

Item No. : 1075#B

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

The elegance of the cutlery is measured when, table spoon, table fork and table knife, together with the teaspoon, are harmoniously tied, with respect to their dimensions, creating the perfect harmony on table, where each piece lives and works together.

The surface treatment that gives the colour is a PVD process (Physical Vapour Deposition). Ions of titanium nitride and zirconium nitride are deposited on the surface of the cutlery through a vacuum process.

This technology has been developed for the aeronautic industry and is used to cover the shuttles panels to make them more resistant.

This technology has found an application in the professional flatware business to satisfy the demand of hotels and restaurants that are looking for heavy duty gold-plated cutlery.

Stainless steel 18/10 - PVD coated in Bronze mirror polished

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Cutlery Sets
No.: 004  
Objekt: 4 pcs set
Composition : 1x table spoon , 1x table fork , 1x table knife , 1x coffee spoon
Preis :
230,95 €
No.: 005  
Objekt: 5 pcs set
Composition : 1x table fork , 1x table knife , 1x dessert spoon , 1x dessert fork , 1x USA coffee spoon
Preis :
288,95 €
No.: 024
Objekt: 24 pcs set
Composition : 6x table spoon , 6x table fork , 6x table knife , 6x coffee spoon
Preis :
1.384,95 €
No.: 030D
Objekt: 30 pcs set Dolce
Composition : 6x table spoon , 6x table fork , 6x table knife , 6x coffee spoon , 6x cake fork
Preis :
1.683,95 €
No.: 030M
Objekt: 30 pcs set Moka
Composition : 6x table spoon , 6x table fork , 6x table knife , 6x coffee spoon , 6x espresso spoon
Preis :
1.634,95 €
No.: 036
Objekt: 36 pcs set
Composition : 6x table spoon , 6x table fork , 6x table knife , 6x dessert spoon , 6x dessert fork , 6x dessert knife
Preis :
2.169,95 €
No.: 039
Objekt: 39 pcs set
Composition : 6x table spoon , 6x table fork , 6x table knife , 6x dessert spoon , 6x dessert fork , 6x dessert knife , 1x ladle , 1x serving spoon , 1x serving fork
Preis :
2.856,95 €
No.: 049
Objekt: 49 pcs set
Composition : 12x table spoon , 12x table fork , 12x table knife , 12x coffee spoon , 1x ladle
Preis :
3.113,95 €
No.: 051
Objekt: 51 pcs set
Composition : 12x table spoon , 12x table fork , 12x table knife , 12x coffee spoon , 1x ladle , 1x serving spoon , 1x serving fork
Preis :
3.457,95 €
No.: 075
Objekt: 75 pcs set
Composition : 12x table spoon , 12x table fork , 12x table knife , 12x dessert fork , 12x dessert knife , 12x coffee spoon , 1x ladle , 1x serving spoon , 1x serving fork
Preis :
5.026,95 €
Loose Cutlery*
No.: 01  
Objekt: Table spoon
Länge : 20.5 cm
Preis :
57,95 €
No.: 02  
Objekt: Table fork
Länge : 20.5 cm
Preis :
57,95 €
No.: 03  
Objekt: Table knife
Länge : 23.4 cm
Preis :
72,95 €
No.: 04  
Objekt: Dessert spoon
Länge : 18.5 cm
Preis :
57,95 €
No.: 05  
Objekt: Dessert fork
Länge : 18.5 cm
Preis :
57,95 €
No.: 06  
Objekt: Dessert knife
Länge : 21.2 cm
Preis :
72,95 €
No.: 07  
Objekt: Tea / Coffee spoon
Länge : 13.4 cm
Preis :
41,95 €
No.: 08  
Objekt: Espresso spoon
Länge : 10.9 cm
Preis :
41,95 €
No.: 15  
Objekt: Cake fork
Länge : 15.4 cm
Preis :
49,95 €
No.: 20  
Objekt: Table fish knife
Länge : 19.6 cm
Preis :
59,95 €
No.: 21  
Objekt: Table fish fork
Länge : 18.5 cm
Preis :
59,95 €
No.: 25  
Objekt: Ice tea spoon
Länge : 20.8 cm
Preis :
53,95 €
No.: 26  
Objekt: American coffee spoon
Länge : 15.6 cm
Preis :
45,95 €
No.: 35  
Objekt: Soup spoon
Länge : 17.6 cm
Preis :
64,95 €
No.: 36  
Objekt: Steak knife
Länge : 23.4 cm
Preis :
83,95 €
No.: 37  
Objekt: Butter knife
Länge : 18.0 cm
Preis :
79,95 €
No.: 39
Objekt: Gourmet spoon
Länge : 18.5 cm
Preis :
59,95 €
Serving Cutlery*
No.: 09  
Objekt: Ladle
Länge : 28.3 cm
Preis :
343,95 €
No.: 10  
Objekt: Serving spoon
Länge : 23.4 cm
Preis :
171,95 €
No.: 11  
Objekt: Serving fork
Länge : 23.4 cm
Preis :
171,95 €
No.: 16  
Objekt: Cake server
Länge : 24.5 cm
Preis :
214,95 €
No.: 40  
Objekt: Ladle for gravy boat
Länge : 17.5 cm
Preis :
243,95 €

Preis wie konfiguriert: 0,00 €

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Artikelposition 1075#B
Farbe Bronzo
Spülmaschinenfest Ja
Garantie Lebenslange Garantie

Italian style means sense of proportions, simplicity and harmony of line,
such that after a considerable time,
there is still something which is more alive than just a memory of beauty.

[Battista ‘Pinin’ Farina]


Lifetime warranty

Because of the way we design, build and test our products,
we are confident that we make products that are the very best.

If you have any problem with our products?
We will solve it the best way we can.

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